savorgran price

Fri, 15 Dec 2000 09:32:04 -0500

Mark and List,

If StarHawk Labs (manufacture of PianoLac) becomes a distriutor of Savogran
stripper, we will definitely discount the price from the $40 list.  

An apparently expensive stripper is actually cheaper to use than one that
costs less per gallon if it saves labor.  The Woodfinisher's Pride
certainly saved hours of reapplying mc stripper, and it didn't burn the
skin.  It also didn't leave any wax residue that had to be removed with
expensive and toxic wash thinner.  No chance of fisheye causeing wax with
that stuff!

I'm glad to hear the Savogran product works like WP used to .  Will inform
the list of my test results and pricing.

Arthur Grudko, StarHawk Labs, manufacturer of PianoLac

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