Pin Torque minimum standard?

Newton Hunt
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 20:18:45 -0500

> However, when pin torque drops below 40% of the optimum
> level (assuming new torque in the vicinity of 120), the client is
> entitled to know that this may be cause for concern.

No disagreement here.  What I do disagree with are the
numbers.  Here where the humidity  runs from 15% to 85%
every year loose pins are epidemic and 30 in/lbs are common
and not an issue for looseness.  Awareness is essential for
tuner and customer but if I had to repin or restring every
piano below 50 in/lbs I would never get any tuning done.  If
it stays it is good enough.  If it cannot be made to stay it
needs treatment of one sort or another.  To me 50 in/lbs is
a nicely comfortable level.  120 in/lbs is too much like
hard work.

I like numbers as well or better than the next guy, I have
number training, but I am also pragmatic as well.  I have
too much work to do to worry about tuning pins that stay in
tune from one tuning to the next.  It is the ones that do
not stay that concern me and not before they reach that

My customers do know what the situation is.

Best regards.
		Newton Hunt
		Highland Park, NJ

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