maybee it is best.
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:04:38 -0600

Hi Martin, List,

>...i was just wondering whichever temperament i choose to use it will take
>at least half a year to learn to do it properly.
>maybee i havenīt realized that itīs hard to learn to set a temperament???
> martin store

It really depends on what temperament and method it is.

>the tuner i met today said that i can learn very well by my self, without
>a teacher..
>is there anyone that learnt the temperation very fastly? like in a month
>or so? could you tell me..?

I can offer you one approach that is about the fastest track to learn a
temperament by oneself that produces reasonable results with its self
correcting last 'wolf' check, and is fun.

It is in J. Cree Fischer's book, _Piano Tuning, A Simple and Accurate
Method for Amateurs_.  Available through piano supply houses or

>what could i do wrong in the temperament?

To do it incorrectly.

>what could a teacher help me with when practising?

Just about anything necessary, if you are a willing student and have the
right teacher.

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