Clean up?

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 09:02:19 EST

In a message dated 12/13/00 4:47:14 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Any tips on cleaning around the tuning pin areas of a grand. It's slow
 going. I've tried a stiff brush and Naphtha. Also 409 cleaner.. Keep
 coming back to cotton tips and scrubing with Naphtha.. 
 Piano is in my shop, so no customer smell concerns. 

Steve Brady gave a class on this once, and I tried it a couple of times with 
great results. Spray the area with Woolite, and soak up the residue with 
cheese cloth. The cheese cloth is porous enough to soak up the foam, and 
fibrous enough to get between the tuning pins. Before you do this treatment, 
however, get as much of the dust and dirt out with a stiff paint brush and a 
vacuum cleaner. 


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