Home Alone

Tom Cole tcole@cruzio.com
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 19:45:34 -0800

David Love wrote:
> I prefer to have the customer there for the first appointment, at least at
> the outset.  If the piano has problems, needs a pitch raise, needs other
> work etc..  It allows me to discuss the services and their costs.  Because
> pianos often need more than just tuning, I don't like being in the position
> of having to make a determination on what the customer wants me to do, is
> willing to pay for etc..  After a relationship and the general goals for the
> piano are established, I have no problem with them leaving me a key.
This is a wise approach for a first-time customer whenever possible. Now
and then I'll get a call from people who stop by the house now and then
but are mostly elsewhere, and so I'll go tune on the first date without
anyone home. To cover the unforeseen situations, I get as many contact
numbers as I can (work, cell, pager, fax, email) so that if anything
needs to be discussed, it can be. 

Tom Cole

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