Maria is leaving the building :)

maria arnelöf
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 21:02:07 +0100

Hi folx!

After sending about 3 mails to this list, replying to persons who asked a
question, 2 of them were instantly commented on by 3 or 4 others who I do
not know in a very harsh mannor.  Even if Ive read some replyes from really
nice ppl. who tell me not to mind when Ive been "corrected" angryely, I
find it quite depressing to come to a list and instantly being attacked for
using the "wrong vocabulary" or for things that were not meant for everyone
personally (even if it was sent to all so that all could read). I thought
this was an open and nonhostile list amongs collegues who wishes eachother
well, speak with politeness and try to suport eachother. After the reply
from Tony to my last letter I decided to quit this list since It feels like
one cant write to it with honesty and well-meaning without it being
missunderstood or aggressively attacked. I dont know why and I cant bother
analysing it cos it seems like missspent energy. I just feel sorry for the
guys who act like this cos theres sems to be something missing in their
life since they are so "waiting in the wings to pounce on the next innocent
passerby" before reading the mail just one more time to see if they got it
right or just rude in general. Ive heard of pianotuners who constantly
bicker or attack eachother and see now for myself that this is
unfortunately true in many ways. Shame cos I have also seen some really
nice guys on this list as well and they probably have to take some blame
for the close-mindedness of a few which isnt fair. This is NOT about the
former but the latter. Anyway, I cant say I enjoy being offended personally
and find no meaning in staying. Whats the point? I like myself better than
that :)

So, Newton, Kristine, Ove and many has been a real pleasure
meeting you! Feel free to write to me anytime if you ever feel the urge.
Also my ICQ # is 53108289 if anyone wants to get hold of me for some
reason, pianotalk or whatever (Nick: Alien_M).
I wish all (everyone) of you the best. Take care, *Hugs*.

Ps: Thank you Tony for your apologies but I dont think Ill stick around
anyway. My best regards to you too.

Yours sincerely,

  "In space no one can hear you scream"
          In 1979 it came from within.
          In 1986 it was gone forever.
In 1992 our worst fears have come true.
                      Its back!

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