spray painted strings

Dave Nereson dnereson@dimensional.com
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 01:39:23 -0700


I have often wondered something and was reminded again of that something
a 1909 Hardman grand piano I picked up last week.

Occassionally, in running across older grand pianos like this, there is
evidence that someone has spray? painted the strings gold in the tuning
area.  Even the coils of the strings are gold colored.

So my wondering is: How in the world does someone get the coils of the
strings gold colored, but nary a speck of gold paint on the tuning pins

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild
USA    >

    I, too, have seen the same in several pianos.  Besides the bullet
shells, the only other thing I can figure is that they loosened the
strings, pried them out of the tuning pins, removed the old pins, and
left the strings all sitting there while they re-sprayed the plate, then
re-pinned the pinblock and hooked up the original strings again.  (what
a hassle). -- Dave N.


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