string buzz quandry

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 23:12:50 -0600

At 08:24 PM 12/12/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all;
>I've come upon a grand piano which has a note in the damperless zone (about 2 
>1/2 octaves above middle C), that has a short buzz upon hammer impact.  No 
>one string will buzz but any two out of the unison together will create the 
>buzz.  If I take the butt end of a screwdriver and press on the strings where 
>they cross the bridge, in between the fore and aft bridge pins the buzz goes 
>I don't have much experience with bridges and therefore ask any of the sagely 
>contributors here for any suggestions as to how to deal with this noise.
>Matt Wynne, NY

Hi Matt,
I'd check bearing first, since a slightly negative front bearing on the
bridge can do that. If that's the problem, you have more to deal with here
than a field repair. if you have positive front, rear, and overall bearing
across the bridge there, do the epoxy in the bridge pin holes thing.

Ron N

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