Home Alone

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner@hotmail.com
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 16:12:52 -0900

>But how about the guy that calls you - you've never heard of, met, seen 
>guy in your life - tells you he wants the piano tuned as a present for his
>wife, he can't be home, but the key is in the barbie on the back porch
>(check will be left with key).

It happens frequently.  In today's society so many people have to be away at 

I have never yet had a problem.  One thing I do though, is to be sure to 
knock loudly and ring the doorbell first to make _sure_ nobody is at home.  
It could be traumatic for his wife to have come home from work sick and gone 
to bed only to wake up and find out some stranger is in the house!

One time somebody _was_ home, my customer's elderly (former) nanny who 
raised her after her parents were killed in Germany during WWII and who 
could only speak German.  Since I speak German, we had a ball getting to 
know each other.  We gabbed and gabbed until the phone rang and I started 
outside to get my tools.  I overheard her saying on the phone to my client, 
"Yes! She is here! And she speaks German!!!!" (in German)  What fun!


Diane Hofstetter
245-M Mount Hermon Rd.#343
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
ph  831-438-6222
fax 831-430-9741

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