Home Alone

Tue, 12 Dec 2000 19:29:19 EST

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In a message dated 12/12/2000 10:16:12 PM Mid-Atlantic Standard Time, 
mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com writes:

> guy that calls you - you've never heard of, met, seen this
> guy in your life - tells you he wants the piano tuned as a present for his
> wife, he can't be home, but the key is in the barbie on the back porch
> (check will be left with key).
> Has anyone ever had a bad experience with any of these scenarios? The last
> one I did today - first time. I did not feel entirely comfortable with the
> circumstances. Seemed OK though in the end.
> Terry Farrell
> Piano Tuning & Service
> Tampa, Florida
Hi Terry;

Happens to me 3-4 times a month.  I think that once you have built customer 
trust, they think nothing of allowing you in without their being present.  I 
have no problem doing this either.   I would find it rare for a first-time 
customer to do this and would refuse their offer.  I want the customer home 
the first time I encounter their piano.  I want to be able to point out 
problems, explain unusual things to them (pitchraises, for example), and in 
general make them and me feel mutually comfortable with this first meeting.   
As long as I have met with them and they then want to leave and allow me to 
let myself out, that is fine.   Caution:  if entering a house on your own, be 
certain you have learned all there is to know about any pets who may have 
free  movement in the house.  You don't want to be meeting any pit bulls who 
may not remember you from the last time you were there.  ALso be cautious of 
wandering cats who may want to leave when you  exit the door.     I've been 
there, seen that...

Bob Bergantino

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