A Temperamental Journey (was Re: what is the best temperament?)

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 09:39:42 +0000

Wouldn´t that just sound great on a cassette (analog) after a little while?
Seriously, does that make sense?  It would have to be on a CD at least, for 
the intricacies to last.


At 21:28 11.12.2000 -0600, you wrote:
>At 08:16 PM 12/11/00, you wrote:
>>Wasn't there also a recording available whereby one could compare a
>>variety of temperaments? If that's still available, I'd like know how to
>>obtain a copy, as well as Jorgensen's writings.
>One good recording is "A Temperamental Journey".  It consists of two audio 
>cassettes, and contains recordings of several different pianos tuned in 
>several different temperaments.  It is listed in the Pianotek Piano Supply 
>catalog as part #P-20A, and when I purchased these tapes a few years ago 
>they were listed at $24.95.
>The box has this information printed on it:
>The Washington D.C. Chapter of the Piano Technicians Guild presents "A 
>Tempermental Journey" A symposium tracing the history of keyboard tuning 
>with Professor Owen Jorgensen, RPT.
>Based on the book "Tuning: The Perfection of 18th Century Temperament, the 
>Lost Art of 19th Century Temperament, and the Science of Equal 
>Temperament"  copyright 1991, by Owen Jorgensen, published by Michigan 
>State University Press
>This  symposium was recorded on October 15, 1990 in the Hall of Musical 
>Instruments, National Museum of American history, in Washington, 
>DC.  Guiding us on our "Temperamental Journey" is Professor Owen 
>jorgensen, author of several internationally known books on tuning.
>It was a unique experience travelling through time to hear music the way 
>the classical composers hear it -- not only on authentic period 
>instruments, but using the historical temperament systems.  By making 
>available this recording of our seminar, we share some of the wealth of 
>information studied on that special day.  Bon Voyage!  Washington, DC 
>Chapter, Piano Technicians Guild.
>I highly recommend these tapes.
>David A. Vanderhoofven
>Registered Piano Technician

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