What's wrong with this picture

robert goodale rrg@nevada.edu
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 00:01:17 -0800

Did anyone watch the Natalie Cole biography movie on NBC Sunday
night?  I don't typically watch TV movies, in fact I've grown to
hate network television, but the wife wanted to see it so I sat
through part of it.

There is a major scene set in the 1970s where Natalie and her
band are in a rehearsal.  Problem:  The piano was a black
polyester finish Boston.  Poly finishes were not used in the
1970s and Boston pianos did not exist in the 1970s!!!

What topped it off and got us laughing for five minutes was that
in the very same scene half way through the piano suddenly
changed into a light walnut!!!  Is this some new trick finish
that Steinway is using on their Bostons???  I'd sure like to see

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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