Removing old plastic keys

Richard Brekne
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 08:35:52 +0100

Basically, you want to heat them so that the glue loosens and the keys peel or
pop right off. You can do this with steam, or with a heat gun or any heat
source. You dont need to get them burning hot... so if you use a heat gun be
conservative... you'll find out just how much you need.  Some folks use a damp
cloth and an iron. Any way you choose can be over done so like I said.. be

Patrick Greene wrote:

> List,
> I am getting ready to remove some plastic keys from an old upright and
> replace them with new key tops.  Since I have never done this, I thought I
> would ask you all what would be the best way to accomplish this without
> destroying the keys themselves!
> Thanks
> Patrick

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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