A Temperamental Journey (was Re: what is the best temperament?)

Vanderhoofven dkvander@janics.com
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 21:28:41 -0600

At 08:16 PM 12/11/00, you wrote:

>Wasn't there also a recording available whereby one could compare a
>variety of temperaments? If that's still available, I'd like know how to
>obtain a copy, as well as Jorgensen's writings.

One good recording is "A Temperamental Journey".  It consists of two audio 
cassettes, and contains recordings of several different pianos tuned in 
several different temperaments.  It is listed in the Pianotek Piano Supply 
catalog as part #P-20A, and when I purchased these tapes a few years ago 
they were listed at $24.95.


The box has this information printed on it:

The Washington D.C. Chapter of the Piano Technicians Guild presents "A 
Tempermental Journey" A symposium tracing the history of keyboard tuning 
with Professor Owen Jorgensen, RPT.

Based on the book "Tuning: The Perfection of 18th Century Temperament, the 
Lost Art of 19th Century Temperament, and the Science of Equal 
Temperament"  copyright 1991, by Owen Jorgensen, published by Michigan 
State University Press

This  symposium was recorded on October 15, 1990 in the Hall of Musical 
Instruments, National Museum of American history, in Washington, 
DC.  Guiding us on our "Temperamental Journey" is Professor Owen jorgensen, 
author of several internationally known books on tuning.

It was a unique experience travelling through time to hear music the way 
the classical composers hear it -- not only on authentic period 
instruments, but using the historical temperament systems.  By making 
available this recording of our seminar, we share some of the wealth of 
information studied on that special day.  Bon Voyage!  Washington, DC 
Chapter, Piano Technicians Guild.


I highly recommend these tapes.


David A. Vanderhoofven
Registered Piano Technician

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