Ivory removal problems

Richard Wagner Rjwag@pacifier.com
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 20:22:58 -0800


Some of those old glues were amazingly strong weren't they ?!!    ;-)

In cases like this, I've had (some) success with just plain dry heat from a
heat gun.  Be careful though, as the ivory is really easy to scorch this way.

Acetic acid might work also, but I've never tried it and of course I
suppose it could contaminate the wood... Anyone else?

Lurking as usual,
			Richard Wagner RPT

At 01:52 PM 12/11/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I have removed old ivory tops a thousand times and have never had a
>problem.  Today I started as usual with steam (iron and wet cloth) and
>nothing.  They are brittle and tight.  I have done this so many times and
>they just pop off.  Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do to
>solve it?  This is an old upright, standard ivory with white cloth

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