OT - It was 20 years ago today.

Mon, 11 Dec 2000 19:51:52 EST

Del wrote;
 <<"My what a lot of anger and hostility my little rant has raised.  Since 
if this has been directed at me">>

 No "most of it was not directed at you" (sic). It was adressed to Et Al;, 
i.e. everyone and was meant as a general comment on the threads as identified 
on my post, i.e., "When this is included in the other threads bemoaning 
global warming, our 
national selfishness, and some neferious collective guilt we should all have 
for being consumers................it is enough to give one pause.......".

 Now we all probably, beforehand, knew that the NW supplies electricity to 
other states and doesn't import any. I wasn't speaking of the NW I was 
speaking of CA.
 I am sorry that your propensity to collect guilt causes you to take the main 
burden of that post on your shoulders! :-) 
(sorry, couldn't help it)
 The post was 'not' aimed at anyone in particular rather to us in general.
Unfortunately I accidently deleted your post after having read it but as I 
recall, there wasn't anything there that I disagreed with...   Well there was 
the comment about "anger" but there was no "anger" on my part so you couldn't 
have been talking about me...huh? 

 I have as much concern as anyone about subjects such as "global warming" but 
I can't quite put the credence to the "scientific evidence" used in part to 
substantiate the 'fact' of it when the list of "competent scientists" 
includes a goodly number of such "experts" as child psychologists and 
 Included in 'the' list are also a number of "award winning scientists" and 
for the most part their field of expertise has nothing to do with Earth 
Sciences, but then I am sure that an economist knows a great deal about earth 

 What brought the rant on was the 'entire' collection of threads that I 
listed, plus the 'kissing your children" junk, and not any one individual 
remark from anyone. 
I despise PC in all its malignant forms and will accept very little of it in 
any form.  So don't take my rant on your shoulders... it wasn't meant to be 
Jim Bryant (FL)

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