
Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 22:51:38 +0100

Martin... learning a Temperament means learning to tune. It is no quick process. Regardless of how well you feel you can hear beats, you must
find a person to help you. You are not going to learn much from a HTML document. You can learn the theory this way, but there is no way of
assuring that you will be able to put any such knowledge into practice.

If you have a portable computer you can download a copy of Tunelab and that at least will offer you some measure of a control device. But dont
make the mistake of relying on this to tune for you or you will never learn. The best thing for you to do is to get ahold of either the Sweedish
Pianotuners association, or the Finnish, and get someone to help you learn. Go to one of the schools they have is even a better idea. You simply
are not going to pick up a book and be able to run out in the next couple weeks and start earning money. It doesnt work that way in any trade,
and the Piano trade is no different.

martin store wrote:

> if there is anyone that got that Tuning the Historical Temperaments by Ear book then could you please scan the most nessessary pages and send
> them to me cause the book itself seem to be impossible to get!!!
> there wouldn´t happen to be any documents or handbooks in html????
> how long will it take to learn a temperation?

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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