"Piano Grand"

J Patrick Draine draine@mediaone.net
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 16:42:13 -0500

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>On the same note, I recently saw a concert with a weird grand which sounded
>wonderful and was a 9 footer.  My question is, has anyone heard of Piano
>Grand? It looked like it had a plate covering the real name, but the Piano
>Grand decal was on the side as well and I could see no harp markings.  
>tom mc nabb
><http://mcnabbmusic.com>web site

Was that on PBS, or in person? I saw it on the show "Piano Grand" on 
PBS, with various superstars playing pieces on it. I think it was 
just a way of keeping from mixing the event up with promotion of a 
particular brand of piano.
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