[OT] Proposal on off-topic discussions

Barrie Heaton Piano@a440.co.uk
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 20:16:23 +0000

In article <001801c06247$268f4ee0$7bab14d1@jgrassi>, Jeannie Grassi 
<jgrassi@silverlink.net> writes
>And while we're on the subject.  It would help some of us who read through
>everything, (not necessarily for our own personal use) to make sure that the
>subject line is reflective of what is actually in the message.  And I
>personally would appreciate more piano-related tech talk and less other

My only gripe with this listserve is people  changing the subject rather 
than starting a new thread. Take this one it contains 31 email and 4 
subject changes, my software treats listserves like news so I can use 
Kill files However is uses the code that comes with each new subject  so 
some times I delete useful stuff.

Barrie Heaton      PGP key on request           http://www.a440.co.uk/
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