what is the best temperament?

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 13:10:22 -0600

>please help me.,  i wan´t to learn to tune a piano properly!!!

It's just like becoming a baker, plumber, inventor, doctor, or refrigerator
repairman. If you intend to make a living at it, I'd suggest learning the
most widely known, used, and marketable system first. That would be equal
temperament. From there, after you're eating and looking for new frontiers,
explore others. As has been suggested, you may learn new temperaments you
consider to be an improvement, or you may be quite satisfied with tuning as
you know it and chose to explore one of the many many other aspects of
piano technology. There are a lot of directions you can go from here.

Ron N

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