[OT] Proposal on off-topic discussions

Don drose@dlcwest.com
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:29:30 -0600

Hi Clyde,

Here is what you might try. Click on the "signature link" if any. Then copy
the email address to your "clip board" (speaking windozezz). Then abort the
email. Then click reply. Then paste in the To: line the address you just
saved. Then make your reply, and send.

At 07:24 AM 12/10/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I've experimented with your various signatures.  By clicking on the
signature I
>get only a blank email window with the address in place.

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.

Tuner for the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts


3004 Grant Rd.
S4S 5G7
306-352-3620 or 1-888-29t-uner

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