John 3:16

Sun, 10 Dec 2000 11:15:32 -0500

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Re: John 3:16I'm with you Martin. Some of this can upset folks as easy =
as the controversial &$%# little piano description.

I'm really up in the air over this non-piano related stuff. On the one =
hand, very good points about sticking to pianos. On the other, WOW, you =
learn so much about the folks you meet a conventions, etc. that you =
would not otherwise learn. Much is said here that would not be said in a =
group at a convention (not always, I realize). I'm also not sure that I =
WANT to learn some of the things about folks that I pick up from some of =
these posts.

Tough call.

Terry Farrell
Piano Tuning & Service
Tampa, Florida
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: vanbrussel=20
  Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 7:42 AM
  Subject: Re: John 3:16

  Since everybody got so upset lately about one word used by a =
non-American subscriber, and since there is also a lot of discussion =
goin on on this list about non-piano related messages, I wonder what I =
(being a non-believer) must think of this message below?
  Is this a list for piano technicians, or what?


    From: "Kevin E. Ramsey RPT" <>
    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 06:49:32 -0800
    To: <>
    Subject: John 3:16

       Christopher Witmer, in a recent post, quoted John 3:16;

    "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that
    whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. =
    God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but =
    the world through Him might be saved." -- John 3:16-17

       I understand the Al Gore was asked what his favorite Bible =
passage was. His answer, ( I guess he got confused)  Was John 16:3..
       Look it up, it's really pretty funny.
       I also understand that Al was at one time a seminary student.
    Kevin E. Ramsey, R.P.T.
    Phoenix, Arizona

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