[OT] Proposal on off-topic discussions... Clyde

Brian Trout btrout@desupernet.net
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 09:19:07 -0500

Hi Clyde,

I'm using Windows 95 at the moment, but I suspect it's pretty similar on
other Windows products...

My e-mail program is Outlook Express 5.0.

At the top of the screen, see..


Select "TOOLS"

>From the pull down menu, select "OPTIONS".

You'll find an option listed as:  "Include Message in Reply".  If you put a
check in the box next to that one, it will automatically put the message you
are responding to in your new e-mail window.

There's only one thing about that one.  It does it automatically, so it is
easier to send a lot of stuff in your return e-mail that you might not have
intended to send by forgetting to cut out the extra stuff.  (Happens a lot
on the Pianotech list... and yes, I've been guilty of it too, but I try to
remember to only leave in things that help my e-mail to make sense.)  That
is pretty easy to do, though.  Highlight / right click / cut   can make
quick work out of deleting the sections you don't really want there.

For this 'method', I am not using the e-mail link (even if there is one),
but rather the "Reply" button.  You can still use the "Reply" button to send
the e-mail privately, but you'd have to change the address if it didn't come
from where you wish to send your e-mail, i.e. a private reply to a Pianotech
list post.

Good luck, Clyde.

Brian Trout
Quarryville, PA

From: "Clyde Hollinger" <cedel@supernet.com>
> By clicking on the signature I
> get only a blank email window with the address in place.  If there is no
way to
> include the message to which I am responding, I find this way to be of
> limited usefulness.

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