spray painted strings

David M. Porritt dporritt@swbell.net
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 07:12:33 -0600

There used to be a guy around here that would put 30-06 shells on the
tuning pins and spray away.  It kept the paint off the pins above the
coils, and the pianos he sold usually had the pins driven so the coils were
on the plate.


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On 12/9/00 at 9:29 PM kam544@flash.net wrote:

>I have often wondered something and was reminded again of that something
>a 1909 Hardman grand piano I picked up last week.
>Occassionally, in running across older grand pianos like this, there is
>evidence that someone has spray? painted the strings gold in the tuning
>area.  Even the coils of the strings are gold colored.
>So my wondering is: How in the world does someone get the coils of the
>strings gold colored, but nary a speck of gold paint on the tuning pins
>Keith McGavern
>Registered Piano Technician
>Oklahoma Chapter 731
>Piano Technicians Guild

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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