OT - It was 20 years ago today.

Kevin E. Ramsey RPT ramsey@extremezone.com
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 19:36:11 -0800

Jim, Pearl Harbor is something I remember EVERY day, not just on Dec, 7th.
----- Original Message -----
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: OT - It was 20 years ago today.

> <<"Thanks for the reminder.  It still seems impossible that some one
> could murder this incredible musician.">>
> Et Al;
> With all due respect to all who have echoed these sentiments. John was
just a
> man, albeit a talented one, and his murder was just that a murder.
> Regrettable?  Yes certainly it is. But where is the compassion for the
> victims at Pearl Harbor since the anniversary of that was yesterday?
>  OK John was an icon...so is Pearl Harbor and I submit that John ain't
> important than what happened there yet no one, including me, mentioned
what a
> tragic loss that was for us all, muscially inclined or not.
> Priorities???
>  When this is included in the other threads bemoaning global warming, our
> national selfishness, and some neferious collective guilt we should all
> for being consumers................it is enough to give one pause if they
> in the slighest bit a thinking individual.
> For instance the complaint about feeling guilty for consuming too much was
> written on a computer, during a power emergency, thereby using priceless
> electricity which probably was needed elsewhere. Where is the expression
> guilt for that? Where is the expression of guilt for having an automobile
> going to the store and buying that computer to begin with.
>  The complaints about global warming are made either before or after the
> poster has gotten in his/her gas/diesel powered
> running all over town earning money to buy the computer to feel guilty
> adding guilt feelings for having driven a smog producing vehicle.
>  All this while living in a state that sucks up water rightfully belonging
> another state and using electricity that is, in large, part produced in
> another state, using their precious resources, so y'all can live where
> can complain and have guilt feelings.
>  Perhaps I might join in the collective guilt trip had I not had the
> opportunity to work in numerous "third world" and supposedly "civilized"
> european contries.
> It ain't my fault that some poulations are continuing to kill themselves
> racial, ethnic, and religious reason.....I don't do that.
> It ain't my fault that some populations are too busy with homocide,
> fraticide..and a few other 'cides' I am missing to see to the developmnet
> economic betterment of their country and citizens....I don't do that.
> It ain't my fault that some populations care more about cast than
> equality...I don't do that.
> It ain't my fault that there are children starving in the world because
> governments agents steall the food we send them and the money we send
> them....I don't do that.
>  When the complainers sell their automobiles and live in mud huts with no
> electricity and water, search the scrub land for twigs to cook their meals
> and try to reinvent all the medicines we use so casually...then I might
> listen...........but how would I hear them they would no use for the
> computer except as a weight to hold down their twigs.
>  Subsistence living like the other 3/5s(?) of the world nah!! been there
> that, it sucks, and it ain't my fault that there are people who live that
> If you insist on feeling guilty about global warming, consuming or etc.
> all your possesions and give the money away to those that don't have as
> as you. Mother Teresa did it and so did Ghandi so it can be done if you
> serious............... if you aren't serious stop taking up our time with
> this crap.
>   Oh and by the way for the guilt ridden among us at Pearl harbor it was
> American servicemen and women who died not some loved and very talented
> druggie.
> PC guilt is just that.
> My view.
> Jim Bryant (FL)

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