Replacement Casters & New Tool

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 20:49:21 EST

In a message dated 12/8/00 6:55:48 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Hi List,
 I have had my second school, complain of the replacement double
 rubber wheel casters, splitting.
 The supplier tells me he has had no complaints from anyone else.
 The schools insist that there was no rough moving involved. (Naturally)
 They had been installed less than a year before.
 Has anyone else had this problem? >>

Caster on pianos, no matter how good even the manufacturer says they are, are 
not intended to be used to move a piano around the building. If a piano is 
going to be moved from class room to class room, or even around the room 
itself, it should be put on a dolly like system designed for that purpose. I 
like the twin dollies sold by Schaff and GRK. They are sturdy, and unless you 
push real hard, will prevent the piano from being tipped over backwards. It 
will save the piano, and makes moving the piano very easy, even by a small 
lightweight person.


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