Replacement Casters & New Tool

John Ross
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 19:05:13 -0400

Hi List,
I have had my second school, complain of the replacement double
rubber wheel casters, splitting.
The supplier tells me he has had no complaints from anyone else.
The schools insist that there was no rough moving involved. (Naturally)
They had been installed less than a year before.

Has anyone else had this problem?

As a tie in with caster replacement. I found a wonderful tool that 
enlarges the cavity for the casters. It is called a Rotozip, spiral saw.
I don't like building up the caster height with the spacers, making it
Another tool I recently found, was a mini heat gun, by Ryobi, only
$20 Cdn. I intend to use it where I previously used the small propane
torch. It is 350W and gives heat up to 350C, and weighs .9lb.

John M. Ross,
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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