OT - It was 20 years ago today.

Patrick C. Poulson ppoulson@jps.net
Fri, 08 Dec 2000 12:08:27 -0800

John: Thanks for the reminder.  It still seems impossible that some one
could murder this incredible musician. Patrick Poulson, Beatles fan and RPT
>From: John Musselwhite <john@musselwhite.com>
>To: pianotech@ptg.org
>Subject: OT - It was 20 years ago today.
>Date: Fri, Dec 8, 2000, 8:15 AM

>Sorry for this off-topic message, but many of us who didn't lose our 
>innocence on a battlefield lost it December 8, 1980.
>John Lennon
>Imagine there's no heaven
>It's easy if you try
>No hell below us
>Above us only sky
>Imagine all the people
>Living for today...
>Imagine there's no countries
>It isn't hard to do
>Nothing to kill or die for
>And no religion too
>Imagine all the people
>Living life in peace...
>You may say I'm a dreamer
>But I'm not the only one
>I hope someday you'll join us
>And the world will be as one
>Imagine no possessions
>I wonder if you can
>No need for greed or hunger
>A brotherhood of man
>Imagine all the people
>Sharing all the world...
>You may say I'm a dreamer
>But I'm not the only one
>I hope someday you'll join us
>And the world will live as one
>(copyright 1980 John Ono Lennon)

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