Time for another list?

robert goodale rrg@nevada.edu
Fri, 08 Dec 2000 00:44:50 -0800

Okay, I'll endorse that notion.  Sometimes it is amusing to hear people's
responses, particularly when it comes to debating completely unsolvable political
and scientific puzzles.  We could talk about why the world is round, why
Cleveland isn't located in California, and is Al Gore really an artificial life
form for days and no one would win nor loose.  On the other hand the subject of
"pianos" may or may not ever come up.  I agree that this list should focus
primarily on pianos or piano related subjects.  It would be nice however if we
had a private pianotech list to move off topic subjects.  So how about it, do we
have the technology?

Rob Goodale, RPT
Lost Wages, Nevada
The most illogical city in the world...  which is why I live here.

BobDavis88@AOL.COM wrote:

> List and Andy:
> How about another list on which members of the pianotech list can chat?
> Sometimes I like talking with other piano technicians about non-piano stuff,
> but sometimes I just don't have time for ten thousand messages about what
> constitutes a dirty word.


> What do you think?

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