Wegman upright

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Fri, 08 Dec 2000 07:09:43 -0500


There are some obvious similarities, but I think it's not the same system.  I've
been told that if the tension is taken off a string in the Wegman piano, the
tuning pin can fall out right into your hand.  In the Beale system it sounds
like the tuning pin can be removed only from the back side.

Regards, Clyde

Tony Caught wrote:

> The iron frame is thicker where the tuning pins are installed.
> The hole is first drilled through the plate, then the hole is widened from
> the back and drilled with a reverse flair, then a thread is cut into the
> widened hole.
> The pin is standard at the front and flared at the back.
> The pin is inserted into the pin hole from the back and a lock screw is
> screwed in to hold the pin in its right position and provide a pressure fit
> on the flared section.

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