Will RCT do this? (was Proposal off-topic)

Fri, 8 Dec 2000 07:01:44 EST

Chris writes:

>People who forget or new subscribers to the list could
>be gently reminded of the standard operating procedure, and the level of
>frustration felt by "PT purists" would drop. Those who enjoy the
>off-topic discussions could continue to enjoy them unimpeded.
>I think this is about as close to a perfect solution as we can expect?
>Whaddyall think?

   Hmm, labelling the source of complaints  as "PT purists" is too 
restrictive.  I am not a purist, just a working tech that dislikes misuse of 
the equipment.  Postings that are just one line conversations back and forth 
on the list show an appalling lack of consideration of the other list 

There is already a list for piano techs to chit-chat,(it is the mpt list), 
and a list for Guild political grist.  If someone wants to talk about OT 
stuff, those are the places to do it.  The pianotech list's value ( to me, 
and apparently, a large number of members) is inversely proportional to the 
number of off-topic postings.  
   The vast majority of the trash on the list are postings that would have 
been more appropriately sent as personal email responses.   I think a little 
self-discipline would go a long way. 
    The Foote rule of Thumb is to include a technical subject if posting to 
the list, so here is one: 

  On heavy pitch raises, I earlier posted my procedure of dropping the mute 
between notes and using the una corda to isolate the middle string for 
tuning, then roughly bringing up the other two.  I have altered this to take 
advantage of the SAT's ability to listen to two strings at once.  
   The SAT can show you a string at pitch while its unison is 15 cents below. 
 Just play two strings of the unison together and pull one up to pitch. The 
SAT will indicate the proper pitch with the lights stopping their rotation as 
they blink with the speed of the lower pitch.  You can see both strings' 
signal in the pattern.  This speeds things up quite a bit.  Others? 
Ed Foote RPT 

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