'40s & '50s Wurlitzers

Kevin E. Ramsey RPT ramsey@extremezone.com
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 20:52:18 -0800

    I would have to concur. I have tuned a BUNCH of these little pianos, and
in my opinion, they are better than any other spinet. They tune right up,
hold their pitch, and generally, are the easiest to tune.
    Their consoles however,,,,,,,,,,,have scaling problems, it's almost
impossible to get a smoothly descending cycle of thirds across the break and
have everything else fit too. But I'd rather tune one of the spinets than
one of their consoles. I've seen Accro-sonics that were good, and others
that were not so good. I've seen Accro-sonics which did not have notched
bridges, for example. Now, how are you supposed to get good unisons from
three different lengths of the same gauge wire?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Farrell" <mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 3:52 PM
Subject: '40s & '50s Wurlitzers

> I'm willing to call most little consoles and spinets a piece of (we all
> the word!) pretty fast. But as I see more and more piano models more and
> more often, I notice that some are quite a bit better in some way than
> others (wow, like the dude has brain cells!). But little Wurly spinets and
> consoles. I have refurbished a couple of 'em and MAJOR pitch raised and
> tuned a '52 console last night and tuned and regulated a '51 console
> These pianos are more piano than most 10 to 20 year old consoles, and I
> would prefer them to a few new ones I have seen (like maybe some of the
> Chinese).
> Nothing more than that. Just these are pianos that I would initially
> are total junk, and these old wurlies are frequently good solid pianos,
> still have good action centers, good hammer alignment, absense of the
> overdose of string noises common in small old pianos, etc. They play and
> sound good (compared to so many others). Am I out in left field here or
> others noted the old Wurlies a cut above the other little old pianos.
> Terry Farrell
> Piano Tuning & Service
> Tampa, Florida
> mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com

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