[OT] Proposal on off-topic discussions

Christopher Witmer cdwitmer@spamcop.net
Fri, 08 Dec 2000 12:07:45 +0900

News & mail readers can easily be set up to filter incoming messages
according to many different variables: content of the "Subject,"
"Sender," "Body," etc. I have my filters set up to direct all this
list's messages into a folder called "Music." What I propose is that
people start to put [OT] in their "Subject" lines whenever discussing
something that is off-topic. (See this message's subject line for an
example.) Then, people who would rather not read off-topic messages can
set up their incoming mail filters to direct all messages with "[OT]" in
the Subject line to the Trash folder, or to any other folder. The
remaining messages would be purely piano-related. This wouldn't
eliminate 100% of the unwanted messages, but it would catch the vast
majority of them. People who forget or new subscribers to the list could
be gently reminded of the standard operating procedure, and the level of
frustration felt by "PT purists" would drop. Those who enjoy the
off-topic discussions could continue to enjoy them unimpeded.

I think this is about as close to a perfect solution as we can expect?
Whaddyall think?

-- Chris Witmer

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