..stability issue revisited..

Thu, 7 Dec 2000 21:11:51 EST

<<"but I think I have done all
that I can do as far as TRYING to make him happy.
It's time for him to get a grip.">>

Well so far that is great evidence that you are right but your customer 
obviously can't be wrong, he is the customer and it is 'his' perception you 
are dealing with not yours.  Step back and look at this from a different 
angle.....perhaps you are both right! :-) You from the technical angle and he 
from the artistic level...can't be you say? Not so, I submit.

 Could it be that what your customer is really complaining about is more of a 
voicing problem that he hears as out of tuneness? Something of this nature 
can't be measured with the SAT and saying "here look at these numbers..I'M 
right"...ain't gonna convince him cause he hears what he hears........
 Try getting together with him at a mutually convenient time and go over the 
thingee until you both can agree on what y'all are speaking of.

 Wouldn't be the first time that semantics and perception got in the way of 
communicating. :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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