hearing aid

Thu, 7 Dec 2000 20:19:51 EST

   ed  writes:
>  Anyone else out there with hearing aid(s) that can relate to what I am
>saying?  I have tried different amplification strength, but still not sure
>but what I am doing better without than with.  What do you say????

   I have been using a "Digifocus" hearing aid in my left ear(hunting 
damage). It is made by Opticon and had seven discreet bands of amplification. 
I only use the top two and would not dream of voicing without it, but for 
tuning, it doesn't really help until I have to deal with the top unisons of 
some wild stringing.   
   As we get older, we lose the top end,  technology is great in that it can 
ameliorate the effect. 
Ed Foote RPT 

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