..stability issue revisited..

Phil Bondi tito@PhilBondi.com
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 18:29:15 -0500

..for those of you who don't remember, I have 2 Baldwin "R's" in a
restaurant and there seems to be a 'stability' issue with them with the main

BUNK(can I say that here?!).

Pno#1 came screaming in at -1.3 cents..Pno#2 came off the blocks at 0.0

Pno1 is being played 7 nights a week now, and Pno2 is being used sparingly,
but usually 2 nights a week.

The player called me to tell me how to dis-assemble his gear on top on of
Pno1..I assured him I have been playing piano for many many years(he knows
this) and I am nothing but very careful with other people's livelyhood. He
also called me to 'tell' me how out of tune they were..yes, there were a
couple of unisons that had fallen, but me, being as picky as I am, would
have gladly played a night on either one of those pianos.

After he was telling me how 'out of tune' they were, I told him what the SAT
told me as far as numbers......silence...then he started telling me which
notes were bothering him...the worst offender being F5 on Pno1...the Left
Unison was....are you ready for this?.......-3.6 cents.

On the surface, that may look bad, but considering the piano is being played
7 nights a week, the Air Conditioning doesn't get turned on till 4:00PM and
gets turned off at Midnight, I consider that -3.6 to be something of a minor
miracle that it's not worse...and that WAS the worst offender of BOTH

I've bent over backwards for the room(it's my favorite restaurant in the
area) and the player(he's a friend..maybe!), but I think I have done all
that I can do as far as TRYING to make him happy.

It's time for him to get a grip.


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