Gas Prices again- then back to pianos.

Robert Goodale
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 17:40:23 -0700


Sorry, incorrect answer, that's NOT what I said.  No one is disputing that the
climate appears to be changing.  The possible cause of it and effects are the
issues.  To have sound scientific conclusions one must first apply the scientific
1.  A theory
2.  A hypothesis to test the theory
3.  A sample model
4.  A control group model
5.  A substantial and credible amount of tested data from both the sample and
control group to support the hypothesis.

Unfortunately it is not possible to create a sample group and a control group for
the earth's environment.  This only leaves theory with no practical data in which to
prove a theory, i.e. are evil rotten humans ruining the earth by using toaster
ovens.  Then comes the politics and the media which tends to skip chapters 9 and 10
and go straight to the end of the book at chapter 47 and predict dooms day if we
don't stop using outdoor BBQs.

Nuf said, I got to go.  I have to drive my evil gas consuming transportation device
to a clients home tonight to do a tuning.  Then I have to finish installing an evil
electric energy consuming PianoDisc system.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

Richard Brekne wrote:

> So let me see if I understand you Robert... virtually the entire scientific
> community, save a few Rush Limbaugh employees... grin.., all government agencies
> accross the globe, and virtually everyone who has used a greater portion of there
> lives studying this climate stuff are all wrong,,,,, and you are right..

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