water based lacquer

bases-loaded@juno.com bases-loaded@juno.com
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 19:19:28 -0500

Hi Paul -

Unless there is considerable contamination - i.e. greasy 'junk' - I
wouldn't worry that much about compatibility.  By all means clean all
surfaces extremely well, and abrade with maroon scotchbrite pad or
equivalent.  In case of doubt about compatibility, slam two 1 lb cuts of
dewaxed shellac on before applying the waterbase and you will effectively
eliminate many problems.

I like the WB finishes from Target Coatings.   In particular, their
Premium Spray Lacquer and Production Lacquers are first-rate for an
application like this.  They can be ordered directly from Jeff Weiss at
Target Coatings at www.targetcoatings.com   , or from Jeff Jewitt at
Homestead Finishing at www.homesteadfinishing.com .  Jeff Jewitt also
carries some new conversion guns that are worth considering.... the
Asturo line of guns.  Check it out, and take advantage of Jeff Jewitt's
expertise by calling him up to talk about your needs.  His number should
be listed at his site.

Mark Potter

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 07:47:40 -0600 "Paul" <tunenbww@clear.lakes.com>
> List
> I inspected two Steinway B's at a nearby college that is hosting an 
> international piano recital and wants the instruments "cosmetically 
> improved." The cases appear to be in good condition except for the 
> custodial dings and dents from daily use. I was actually quite 
> surprised by their condition. The question raised: can they be dent 
> filled, topcoated and buffed to make them stage worthy. The college 
> is not interested in total refinishing, too expensive. I've done 
> this in the passed with traditional lacquer methods, but I want to 
> know if I can do it with water based lacquer. I've been spraying 
> finishes for a long time but have yet to make the leap into water 
> based. I gather from what I read from venders that this would be 
> possible, but I'd like to hear from someone who has/is doing it and 
> what they are running into. I'm familiar with dent work from Bondo 
> to Konig, and finish prep and spraying for solvent base coatings. My 
> concern is getting the water based to stick to the old finish. I 
> plan on buying a new gun for this finish and making technique 
> adjustments as required. Right now I'm favoring the gravity feed 
> model for compressed air. What are your thoughts concerning the 
> pianos and the type of spray gun you have and the brands of water 
> based lacquers you are using and why. I'd appreciate any input. 
> Thanks.
> Paul Chick

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