Ricca & Son Piano

Kristinn Leifsson istuner@islandia.is
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 18:20:29 +0000

Luck is with you my child!  Oooh, that felt good. <g>

I have devised a safe method of making honky tonk!

Get a thin magnetic strip, and put it on the strings.  Make sure the 
let-off isn´t too close and you have a horribly sounding piano.
One catch though. It won´t stick to the thickest of the bass 
strings.  Except of course if they´re iron wound, right?

Best regards,

Kristinn Leifsson,
Reykjavík, Iceland

P.S. You could always get a really strong electromagnet and put it behind 
the strings, making anything with metal stick to them.  Just make sure the 
pianist doesn´t have a pacemaker or an artificial hip...

>If you have suggestions for a safe way or alternate
>way to do this (I want a honky-tonk flat piano sound)
>-- I would appreciate knowing about it.
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