
Ron Nossaman
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 06:28:43 -0600

>Anyway, could the loose hinge screws be caused by folks
>pushing on the lid instead of the body of the piano itself? 
>I wish I had a dime for every hinge screw I tightened and a
>penny every time I had to yell at students to push on the
>piano not the lid.

Hi Newton,
Possibly. The piano has been in the same basic spot for years, but it does
get repositioned some. The CFIII, on the other hand, gets moved around
constantly for the continual musical productions, and hasn't been a
problem, nor is this a major deal anywhere else. Sure, I've tightened a
billion screws (maybe a billion and six, I lost count somewhere between
three and four million), but finding all the lid hinge screws stripped
clear out, with half of them lying on the soundboard, is sort of unusual
for me. Weirdness.

Ron N

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