Tuning an Autoharp

Thu, 7 Dec 2000 06:27:25 EST

>1. I would guess it would need a pitch raise. How much harmonic stretch
>is  involved if any? 

None to speak of, disregard it.  Skip the bottom five or six strings until 
you have everything else done, then tune them by ear. The machines don't make 
very good decisions down there.
>2. Using my SAT 3 should I perform an FAC stretch or keep it at zero cents
> and tune?

   You can tune these with everything set at 0, or you can try it with a 
harpsichord tuning.   It seems to make very little difference.

>3. How long should it take?

10 minutes, tops.

>4. Should I attempt the job at all? If so, any other hints you can pass
Heck yes,  it is worth $10 of time,maybe 20 if you have to do it twice.   And 
we are there for the money, no? 
Ed Foote 

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