To Bob... XX dissin'

David Love
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 05:30:07 -0000

Okay, let's all agree that we won't say shit in front of the c-h-i-l-d.

>From: Kristinn Leifsson <>
>Subject: Re: To Bob...  XX dissin'
>Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 02:29:19 +0000
>The bottom of this is about pianos, but...
>just to end my participation in these threads...
>3...2...1... (starts running away)
>>I find it interesting that the ones getting upset about this are men.  I 
>>have one question:  Is it really the choice of adjectives?  or is it the 
>>gender of the person using that adjective?
>>Barb McHugh
>>(zipping up flame-retardant suit and hitting the "send" button)
>To all women that have thought otherwise;
>1. A woman will speak language suitable for the master of the house, and 
>only speak when spoken to.
>2. A womanīs place is in the kitchen.
>3. If there is a noxious stench in the hallway, the chain is too short to 
>reach the bathroom.
>At least thatīs the way we have it around these parts.
>Oh boy!
>Kristinn XY
>P.S. Please!!! It was just a joke!!!  I think the chain should also reach 
>the bathroom, but not the living room.  At least not during a football 
>P.P.S. Donīt bother telling me that this was evil.  I KNOW it was!  I look 
>forward to reading the counter-posts when I wake up.
>Oh yes, and I had a bad experience with a Samick today.  I was adjusting 
>the capstans, and they were extremely tight.
>After the first one the tool was bent quite badly.
>I managed to use my needle nose pliers instead.  Glad Iīm a man, or I 
>probably would have started crying!  ;-Þ

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