To Bob.../Barb

Wed, 6 Dec 2000 22:57:49 -0500

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"I find it interesting that the ones getting upset about this are men.  =
I have one question:  Is it really the choice of adjectives?  or is it =
the gender of the person using that adjective?"

Hi Barb. I was actually thinking just the opposite. It occurred to me =
that even I might interpret a man using the sh#$ word in a post to be =
inappropriate - maybe becuause I would assume he was trying to be crude. =
With a woman using the mild little s word - especially in the context =
that Maria did - I am more apt to think it is cute and colorful, and not =
meant to be crude, but rather to be a bit of an exclamation point =
(especially if it and other offensive-to-some words are not used =

It may be the men who are of the opinion that women should stick to =
housework, the kitchen, and raising babies who may well have a mindset =
consistent with your quote above.

Terry Farrell
Piano Tuning & Service
Tampa, Florida
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: egzakto=20
  Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 6:44 PM
  Subject: Re: To Bob...

  SpockinKansas@AOL.COM wrote:=20

    In a message dated 12/06/00 7:54:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,=20 writes:=20
      ....I cannot pretend to be=20
      someone that is so uptight that one=20
      cant say a bad word ever in a joking=20
      manner. This is simply not my=20
      style...and it has nothing to do with=20
      culture. Though, there are=20
      differences to as how we ppl.=20
      interpret words. That I admit.=20
    1. Your reply to all comments was sarcastic and obnoxious=20
    2. This is a PUBLIC forum. You don't use words in that manner in a =
list that=20
    reaches many people. Humor has nothing to do with it.=20


  I find it interesting that the ones getting upset about this are men.  =
I have one question:  Is it really the choice of adjectives?  or is it =
the gender of the person using that adjective?=20
  (Ok, so that was two questions...)=20
  Barb McHugh=20
  (zipping up flame-retardant suit and hitting the "send" button)=20

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