Thanks to Susan Kline

Ward & Probst
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 21:09:36 -0600


If it happens again, let the glue dry. Then chip the glue off with your
fingernail. Don't ask me how I know.

Dale, FCM

(Formerly Cabinet Maker)

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Susan Kline
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks to Susan Kline

At 06:57 AM 12/06/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Is it "Formica" type countertops?
>Paul Chick

It was a Formica type countertop, a quite nice-looking one <groan>.
One large drop of CA glue, which I tried to wipe up while it was still wet.
A clouded, rough patch about the size of a dime. The guy was
very nice about it, at least. After that delightful experience,
if I were <GROAN> to do it again (!), I would take the corner of
a handkerchief or paper towel and just touch the drop, trying to
wick up as much as I could, without rubbing at all. As it is,
I try to be aware of what surface is underneath when I take the
cap off the CA bottle.


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