Burnout/not excusable language

Roy Ulrich ulrich@rangenet.com
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 17:51:31 -0600

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kristinn Leifsson" <istuner@islandia.is>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
> variables.  There are so many things that we don´t know about.  For
> instance when a certain list member had jury duty for a long time he was
> irritable.  People lashed out to him, but then he explained his case.  It
> was no big deal.

Yup. That was me. (The guy on the jury.) That was an ordeal, but the perp
was found guilty of murdering the 17 year old girl after all. And, in the
remote event that anyone's interested, except for catching up on my
workload, everything is back to normal.

> Reykjavík, Iceland (where people aren´t put to jail for kissing their
> children on the mouth in public)

Yeeecccchhhhhhh! You SHOULD be! maybe only for a day or two tho....

Roy Ulrich
NE Minnesota where 99% of my customers have uttered the despised "s" word
from time to time, usually this time of year when the snow makes life

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