To dear Bob...

maria arnelöf
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 22:24:15 +0100

Bob wrote:
"Would you be upset if you encountered a Professional- a Doctor, let's say,
and he had a propensity toward using the "s" word without moderation.  Would
you think less of him as a professional?  Would you use this language in a
customer's home?  Would you feel it was ok for your own children to adopt
this kind of language when communicating at your dinner table?"

Have you read any of my recent mails? Have you seen what I have written?
Just asking cos...
I dont recall me ever having a propensity towards using the "s" word
without moderation. For your information I have not used any kind of foul
words in a customer´s home. And neither do I tell or encurage children to
use so called "bad language" at the dinner table. I think youre WAY out of
line here, Mr!
Dont you have worse things around you in your country to use your energy
toward fighting against? C´mon, Bob, whats really eating you?
Read this and relax:
1. Im NOT your Doctor!
2. You are NOT my customer!
3. You are NOT my parent and Im NOT your child at your dinner table!
4. I am a professional that both takes pride in my work AND likes to smile
and feel for my fellow collegues
that goes through what we all, as human beings feel...frustration at times.
I was simply giving my sympathy to him combined with a touch of humour and
selfdistance . I dont see why a professional HAS to submit to a life
without it humour. If you have my sympathy too :D

If you dont get it now, I dont wish to spend more time replying to this
sillyness so, Bob...these will be my last words upon it, period!

Best regards,

  "In space no one can hear you scream"
          In 1979 it came from within.
          In 1986 it was gone forever.
In 1992 our worst fears have come true.
                      Its back!

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