historical pitch emergency

Stephen Birkett birketts@wright.aps.uoguelph.ca
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 16:08:47 -0500

Terry writes:
>  My concern is appropriate instrument> 
> pitch. My understanding is that A440 was not necessarily the standard back
> then. What can be said about the most likely pitch this instrument was
> designed for? Isn't this around the time that Chickering introduced the
> first full cast-iron plate? Maybe it is close to A440?<<
The pitch has very little to do with structural issues like frames or plates,
and everything to do with wire material, wire manufacturing processes, and, most
important, scaling (length and diameter).

Check out Ed Swenson's article at 

 < http://www.mozartpiano.com/pitch.html>

for a wealth of interesting information on historical pitch values used by
different piano manufacturers at different times and locales.


Stephen Birkett Fortepianos
Authentic Reproductions of 18th and 19th Century Pianos
464 Winchester Drive
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2T 1K5
tel: 519-885-2228
mailto: birketts@wright.aps.uoguelph.ca

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