American sore ears from "terrible" words...

maria arnelöf
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 21:47:08 +0100

Ritchard wrote:

"So Maria... grin.. you are excused this time, and I am sure Bob retracts
his comments of unproffesionalism for at least this one time. But be
aware... these words we take to be so harmless fall hard and unsavory on
American ears.. so please refrain."

Richard, Im not looking for being exused from anyone. As I
said: I dont take anything back cos that would make me say that I have done
something wrong when I simply felt sympathy and  wrote "cheer up" mail
a tiny sentence that Bob took from its context and without any
understanding or
consideration to the fact that it was JUST a joke to our friend here on the
list who was
feeling unhappy.
As to Bobs view of my "unprofessionalism"...who, really, has the right to
judge a person
that he never has met OR talked with, who just came on the list how
professional he/she is?
I dont need anyones view on if I am or not. Besides...I already know myself
AND my work and that is
the only thing that matters in the end. I dont have a hard time going to
sleep when I know my
costomers are very happy and so is my teacher. I know that "bad" language
is not
recomendable but c´mon....why dont you ease up just a little bit about this
whole issue? Calm down and see the bright side of things in life instead. I
have a hard
time taking ppl. serious that actually starts to preach and condemn about A
word. And
a minor one as this! Actually, I find it rather pittyful and at the same
time kinda
comical. Its not like ive cursed in Church or something, eyh?!! Which leves
me with
this: Ye who are without sin, cast the first stone! Does that ring a bell? ;)
No wonder this world is so hostile when ppl. get all agressive about a tiny
little word in gesture. Im sure you and Bob have said worse things in your
life than my one.
Think about it! If none of this above agree with your "American ears" plz
just remember
this: Life is so much larger and full of Gods love to give to oneanother
for us  to waste time
on petty things like this, dont you agree? Why not be happy, giving and
greatful instead of getting
angry/upset and shocked over a word cos....basically, it was never intended
to hurt any of you.

"...fall hard and unsavory on American please refrain."

Thats kinda American friend who lives here with me for the
moment doesnt understand all the fuss of this and she has American ears
too, hmmm! Tell there any special tip you have for me on checking
her pair of
ears out again? Rechecking the brand of them? Like, spots or bumps in a
colour or something? I mean, shes an audiologist (!) by profession, either
she has
American ears or shes a fraud!

Kindest regards,

  "In space no one can hear you scream"
          In 1979 it came from within.
          In 1986 it was gone forever.
In 1992 our worst fears have come true.
                      Its back!

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