
Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 19:00:48 +0100

Kristinn Leifsson wrote:

In all due fairness Kristinn.... number one Bob was correct in pointing out that
we should respect the fact that these words are unexceptable for use on this
list... number two... Bob probably did not pick up on that she was non american,
and probably had no idea that most of the rest of the world views with no small
degree of curiosity the english (and particularily american)  use of body
functions, body excrements, and sexual behaviour in a profain sense.

So why dont we all lighten up a bit... try and make sure of who we are addressing
when such issues come up, and first try gentle reminders of list etiquette...

Take a cue from mistress Gina Carter.... she is superb at this. Great style.

> Jaså,
> well, give her a little break.
> Not all nations of the world are aware of American sensitivity towards
> politically incorrect usage of the word "excrement"
> We don´t use the word the same way you do, OK?
> Just tell people politely in the future.

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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