Reply to Jimmy about my sins :)
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 15:14:32

Jim Bryant, you made me smile a 
little. Youre funny, Jimmy! Plz do it 
again sometime ;) Thanx!


Jim wrote:

"Maria wrote; 
<<"Americans sometimes, as I see it 
(correct me if Im wrong here) seem 
to use really bad language at the 
same time as they condemn others 
for using minor bad language. 
American films are full of foul 
language, violence and nonloving 
values, yet...when someone uses a 
tiny word in public (in a joking way) 
its "the end of the world". This I...and 
many sweeds find quite 
god love ya Maria you are spot on ole 
girl!! :-) 
As your English is worlds better than 
most of the Swedish as written here 
don't give it another thought. "Shitty" 
is a perfectly fine description of 
some of the things in this world and 
rarely does its use relate to fecal 
matter directly. Perversely had you 
used the word 'crappy', which means 
exactly the same thing and in exactly 
the same context, no one would have 
said a thing. As it is you used the 
word you used.......not the end of the 
world. Please don't allow some 
crappy attitude disturb your day. A 
while back 
a poster used the term "piece of 
merde"...this post passed without 
until someone decided that the word 
"merde" was among the verbotten 
seven words. So subsequently and 
for many days we were deluged with 
dfeiniton of merde and the 
unacceptability of its use. That 
incident as well 
as this one is a mere blip and 
evryone will get over it. 
Although there are words , Swedish 
as well as English, which do not 
in any context on this list, your use of 
the word was relevant and quite 
illuminating as to your feelings towrd 
that class of instrument. 

In Grace Butterfly sin now more! :-) 
Jim Bryant (FL) 

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